San Diego Master Gardeners
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San Diego Master Gardeners

What is a Master Gardener School Garden Consultant?

Master Gardeners trained by the University of California Cooperative Extension are volunteers who provide information on home gardening and pest management to county residents. Some Master Gardeners promote garden-based learning by serving as school garden consultants. The consultant’s role is to mentor teachers and parents who request help with beginning or improving their school gardens. All Master Gardeners have been finger-printed and have passed background screening by the California Department of Justice.

Your consultant may provide
advice on the following:

Activities that should not
be expected are:

  • Determining objectives for the garden and student involvement
  • Evaluating the garden site
  • Determining the basic needs (tools, irrigation, fencing, storage)
  • Offering suggestions on bed sizes, soil preparation, composting, weed and pest control, and summer maintenance
  • Recommending plant material or seeds to be planted and when to plant
  • Identifying the level of support needed from parents, teachers and children
  • Suggesting ideas for recruiting garden volunteers and finding resources
  • Meeting with School Garden Team (teachers, parents, counselors of after school programs, principals, district maintenance personnel, other Master Gardeners)
  • Performing physical labor
  • Teaching classes with no teacher present (not permitted)
  • Raising funds, soliciting donations
  • Maintaining the garden
  • Delivering supplies to the school

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Plant a Seed, Watch it Grow: Web Guide

This will take you to our guide on how to begin and maintain a school garden.

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Grant Calendar

This will take you to our monthly calendar of School Garden Grant opportunities listed by application deadline date. There is a brief description of the grant and a link to the sponsoring organization's website for the details and application.

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