The Fall Rose Perk Up and Review

Rita Perwich

Rita Perwich


Fall is an important time to spend quality time with our roses. Don’t fall back on your rose care! What is chewing up your blooms and leaves? Why do some of your blooms look scorched? Are some of your blooms spongy and gray? Are there blotches on your rose leaves and canes? Learn how to manage these problems with Integrated Pest Management. And don’t waste your time and garden space on non-performing roses. Should it stay or should it go? And if it should go, get suggestions for great replacement roses.

Rita Perwich

Rita Perwich has been a Master Gardener since 2001 and a Consulting Rosarian since 2016. She is a member of the San Diego Rose Society and has been writing a monthly rose-care column entitled The Sustainable Rose Garden for the San Diego Union Tribune for the last nine years. Rita’s presentations and writing stress the importance of protecting the environment and the beneficials in the garden. She lives in Coronado and has been growing roses for over 25 years. Rita teaches the annual pruning workshop at the Coronado Public Library and chairs the Rose Section of the Coronado Flower Show.