Feeding culinary heritage celebrations from around the globe

By Barb Sands (This article originally appeared in the December 14, 2014 edition of the San Diego Union-Tribune) How do you celebrate your family holiday and heritage at this time of the year? Perhaps your traditions were handed down over generations, may have been shared from families overseas, or may have been adapted depending on […]

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Tomatoes, indeterminate or determinate; hybrid or heirloom?

Question: I have very limited experience in growing tomatoes. I promised myself this year to have tomato success! Can you please explain the difference between “hybrid” and “heirloom” tomatoes and between “determinate” and “indeterminate” tomatoes?   Answer: An heirloom tomato is one that has been cultivated for at least 50 years. Heirloom tomatoes are pollinated […]

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Yes – You Can, Can

Aenne Carver Whenever I smell peaches I think of my grandmother. She lived in Utah, and I visited her every summer when her peaches were ripening. Inevitably, on the hottest day of August, the canning commenced. My grandmother calmly orchestrated a bubbling pot of peaches, sweaty bottles dipped in and out of water, and plenty […]

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