Specialty Sources
A Growing Passion San Diego television series about local garden-related topics https://agrowingpassion.com
A Growing Passion San Diego television series about local garden-related topics https://agrowingpassion.com
Insect Lore Supplier of live insect kits and educational materials http://www.insectlore.com/
San Diego County has various yard waste recycling program where compost can be purchased. Some local agencies will give free compost to school gardens. In most cases, you have to pick it up. Check with your Master Gardener; many of them compost and can offer advice and guidance about composting and have extra composting earthworms […]
The following organizations offer educational and organizational resources and expertise in specific subject areas. American Community Gardening Association ACGA is a non-profit organization that supports school and community gardens with grant money, seeds and study materials. https://communitygarden.org/
Burpee Seeds Best variety choices, good cultural information http://www.Burpee.com