“Like a Box of Chocolates”
By Suzanne Mullins
Have a garden, landscape, or botanical question ? Contact the San Diego County Master Gardeners Hotline. Their answers are research-based, free, and available 24/7. Anyone can submit a question by phone (858 822 6910) or by email, using this link: Hotline – Master Gardener Association of San Diego County.
Typical queries are about growing plants & trees plus the pests that are attracted to the flora in San Diego County. However, like Forrest Gump’s experience, “You never know what you are going to get.”
Here are less common requests that are easily fulfilled using IPM/SDCMG resources:
- Who do I contact for mitigation tips for Asian Jumping worms ? Home & Garden Pest Newsletter volume 3 issue 1 CDFA - Plant Health - Report a Pest
- Can I get a list of drought/fire resistant plants for my use or to pass on to my HOA? https://www.pdffiller.com/558339864--The-Nifty-50-Best-Plants-for-WaterSmart-LandscapesWater-?mode=view
- Please send a list of Community Gardens pdf
- How do I report Asian Citrus Psyllids or other pests ? CDFA - Plant Health - Report a Pest
- How can I tell if a Farmer’s Market is Certified ? CFM List by Day of the Week - 10-28-24.pdf
- Is Rancho Bernardo in an ACP Citrus Quarantine Area ? Citrus Quarantine Program Citrus Quarantines
- Whom do I call to get a dead animal removed? Please see below for numbers to call.
Unincorporated County: To request the removal of dead animals from County properties, call: our contractor’s 24-hour phone: 760-539-0012.
County Roads: To report a dead animal on County roads, call our contractor at 760-539-0012.
Countywide - Private Property only for a fee: To request dead animal removal 24/7 from a private property, call 619-390-8204. There will be a fee.
CalTrans District 11, San Diego & Imperial Counties State Highways: To report a dead animal on state highways, call 619-688-6670 or 619-688-6699
Cities: Contact your city for more information.
- What agency do I call for mosquito and rat control ? Inspection Request Complaint Form
- I’m new to San Diego. What does a rattlesnake look like ? pdf
We welcome all your gardening and related questions and are here to help!