Today in the Garden
Get ready for March Madness as we begin the busiest month for gardeners since October. While it still may rain or turn chilly for a day or two, the weather is ideal for tending to garden chores –planting, pruning, fertilizing and fine-tuning everything from perennial beds to backyard orchards and veggie patches. Remember to keep weeds in check, water if precipitation is inadequate and spread mulch to feed the soil. Rewards for all this work will be many next month, when gardens are glorious and beckon all to enjoy.
- Jaune Flamee Tomato
A sweet juicy tomato from the garden - ah, heaven! Try a new variety this year!
- Crinum
Naked lady relatives with tall trumpet flowers on thick stalks. Very fragrant. Strappy foliage dies back for some species. Colors include solid red, white and pink and stripes.
- Begin Camellia Feedings
The first of three annual feedings for camellias is March.
Get Landscape Design Advice
Add New Plants to Your Garden
After Bulbs Bloom
Aloes Light Up Winter
Apply fertilizer high in nitrogen to mature fruit trees
Australian Plants for San Diego Gardens
Begin Camellia Feedings
Begin to thin fruit on fruit trees
Care for Backyard Orchards
Care for Cactus and Succulents
Care for Mexican Sage
Check Container Drainage
Check trees for pests
Continue planting cool-season vegetables
Control powdery mildew on grapes
Don’t Irrigate in the Rain
Feed Growing Succulents
Feed New and Established Plants
Fertilize fruit trees
Grow a Tub of Spuds
Grow Classy Camellias
Grow Hydrangeas
Grow Low-Chill, Heat-Tolerant Blueberries
Grow Root crops
Grow the Scent of Spring
Harvest Rain
How to Grow Horseradish
How to Harvest Some Winter Veggies
Irrigate fruit trees & vines
Keep ants off trees
Learn more about pest management
Order Summer-Blooming Bulbs
Paint tree trunks with whitewash
Plant cool-season vegetables
Plant Heat-Loving Roses
Plant onion seeds
Plant Perennial Performers
Plant warm season vegetables
Prepare Edibles Beds
Prepare soil for planting
Prune Frost Damage
Rose Slug Remedies
San Diego Gardeners' Companions "Sunset Western Garden Book"
Shape Up Aeoniums and Echeverias
Shop for Orchids
Spray apples after bloom to control codling moth
Spray dormant deciduous trees and vines
Store Rain
Thin fruit on fruit trees
Transition to Spring-Summer Annuals and Perennials
Try Top Tomatoes
View a Weed Gallery
Warm season vegetables
Water if Rainfall is Light
Win the Battle Against Slugs and Snails
Win the Pest Battle