Today in the Garden
May days are a call to be in the garden and revel in spring’s beauty. Garden tasks this month focus on the summer ahead. Plant heat-loving edibles and colorful flowering annuals, tune-up irrigation, and feed plants to keep them strong and growing. And while you’re celebrating Mom, give a hearty thanks to every gardener’s inspiration and best friend - Mother Nature.
- Australian Plants for San Diego Gardens
Plants from areas around the world with Mediterranean-style climates like ours fit easily into San Diego gardens.
- Prestige pumpkins
Some are designer favorites - the so-called deep-lobed Cinderella pumpkins romanticized as the fairytale's magical coach and the mini pumpkins that dot tables at Thanksgiving.
- Troubleshoot Tomatoes
Strides in breeding have made tomato plants resistant to some debilitating diseases, thus increasing gardeners' success with them. But they are still prone to problems from pests, large and small.
After Bulbs Bloom
Apply nitrogen fertilizer
Australian Plants for San Diego Gardens
Be a Deadhead Fan
Care for Fruit Trees
Check citrus for Diaprepes Weevil
Check for Citrus Pests
Check Irrigation Systems
Check vegetables for pests
Combat Aphids
Control ants
Deadhead Roses
Do Deadhead
Feed Camellias
Feed New and Established Plants
Feed Vegetable Plants
Fighting Eugenia Psyllids
Get Landscape Design Advice
Grow Dazzling Dahlias
Grow Flowers Good Enough to Eat
Grow Lemons in Containers
Grow More Veggies
Grow Waterwise Edibles
Grow Winning Pumpkins
Grow Worldly Vegetables
Orchard Care
Plant and Care for Oranges, Lemons and Limes
Plant Citrus with Cachet
Plant Heat-Lovers
Plant warm season crops
Remove suckers
Rose Slug Remedies
San Diego Gardeners' Companions "Sunset Western Garden Book"
Spray walnuts
Stop watering onions
Tomato Troubleshooting
Transition to Spring-Summer Annuals and Perennials
Troubleshoot Tomatoes
Visit website for more vegetable information
Wash trees
Wildflowers on Parade
Win the Pest Battle