- - Units - -
Farm to Preschool Program, Urban and Environmental Policy Institute, Occidental College; A comprehensive school year long curriculum unit organized by month and aligned with DRDP 2015 Measures.
From Exploring our Urban Forests by SD Children and Nature. A unit of 3 lessons to develop a sense of nature, discover the characteristics of soil, and sort leaves. (K-ESS3-1)
Video Lessons with accompanying teacher guides.
- I Can Eat a Garden – Healthy Food from the Garden National Health Education Standard 1.2.1
- How Does Your Garden Grow? Understand the basic needs of plants and that plants grow from seeds. (K-LS1-1)
The Basics
From Berkeley USD. Students create garden community agreements to help clarify expectations. (CCSS ELA SL.1 HEALTH 7.4.N)
From Berkeley USD. In addition to compiling garden rules, this activity has students observing different colors found in the garden. (CCSS ELA SL.1 HEALTH 7.4.N)
From Life Lab, Grade K, Caring for Our Pet Plants: What Plants Need. Students identify plants from non-plant objects. Uses all aspects of NGSS addressing K-LS1-1.
Science and Math Skills
From Berkeley USD. Students will use their observation skills to look, draw, and then share their findings.
From Berkeley USD. In these lessons students experience soil, identifying living and non-living components.
From Berkeley USD. Students can act out a seed growing, older students will use sorting and observation skills. (NGSS Disciplinary Core Idea LS1.A | Structure & Function)
AIMS: A lesson for observing the growth of seeds.
From Berkeley USD. Students go on scavenger hunt for signs of Spring.
From Berkeley USD. This lesson introduces the concept that insects adapt to their environment over time. Working in groups, students discuss and then create an insect that would survive in a habitat using various adaptations. (NGSS K-LS1-1, LS1.C, LS1.D)