
Find and download garden lessons and units of lessons. Search by grade level and click on title to download a PDF.
Also find general non-grade specific information for teaching in the garden in the menu on the left.

Activity Guide for School Gardens - Whole Kids Foundation & American Heart Association This guide contains 35 lesson plans with activities to engage your students in a fun and educational exploration of fruits, vegetables, and healthy eating. The lessons are cross-curricular and support curriculum for Pre-K-5th grade. A variety of activities are included so you can pick and choose the learning objectives that are appropriate for your students.  A garden is a great resource to use when teaching students about healthy eating and agriculture. Even if you don’t have an in-ground garden, you can still complete the activities in this guide with your students.

Gardening and Cooking Program - Berkeley Unified School District is a free school-year long curriculum for garden education for TK-8 with a lesson each week, but the lessons can be taught individually or in a different sequence. They are divided into appropriate grade levels (Mild, Medium, and Spicy) and are aligned to NGSS, Common Core, and Health & Nutrition Standards. Printable lessons and supplemental materials, vocabulary, and garden recipes are at the end.

Waterwise Garden Explorers - Kids Gardening and Hunter Industries
This is a unit of five modules with lessons and hands-on activities and experiments. Students investigate the role of water in the garden and the importance of using sustainable watering techniques. The unit includes five modules for grades K-5: Plant Needs, The Water Cycle, Watering the Garden, Water Conservation, and Water-Friendly Garden Design.

Enrichment Program

Video Lessons & Guides - Green Our Planet This non-profit group supports school gardens.

  • Many linked to standards
  • Some in Spanish
  • Some include Master Gardener teacher guides

Master Gardener Workshops for Your Students

  • Variety of gardening topics, specific to grade levels
  • Available for both classroom and garden presentation

Master Gardener Workshops for Educators

  • Variety of gardening topics