Can't find the topic you would like? Please contact us to make a request.

Kathryn Blankinship

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Topics: Geographic Area: North County
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: None
Notes: Kathryn has been a Master Gardener since 2014. She is a life member of the California Rare Fruit Growers and a docent at the San Diego Botanic Garden. She is QUEL certified (Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper)

David Boucher

619 296-8097
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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Not available Wednesdays or Thursdays
Equipment Needed: None
Notes: Prefers outdoor venues

Cindy Bruecks

619 223-5515
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Topics: Geographic Area: Metro area plus surrounding areas
Preferred Hours:
Equipment Needed: PC laptop available

Stephen Cantu

619 518-2267
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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: None
Notes: Projector screen, darkened room. Wheelchair access.

Sommer Cartier

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Weekends and weekday evenings available
Equipment Needed: None

Marsha Cook

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Topics: Geographic Area: Ramona and East County, North County
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: Darkened room with computer, projector, screen

Betty Corvey

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Topics: Geographic Area: Lakeside, Santee, El Cajon, La Mesa
Preferred Hours: Morning Afternoon
Equipment Needed: Indoor venue: Projector and screen. Outdoor:None/Shaded area
Notes: Mini talks up to 90 minutes

Diana Drummey

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: Projector, screen and microphone
Notes: Unavailable until 1 July 2022.

Debby Dunn

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any, prefer North County and Coastal
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: Equipment Needed: PowerPoint setup: projector, screen, and cables (I’ll bring my USB drive)
Notes: Prefer 60 + minutes per presentation. I will keep it entertaining and informative. I am willing to tailor the presentation to your specific topic.

Julio Estrada

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: None
Notes: Presentations in either English or Spanish

Mary Friestedt

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Topics: Geographic Area: Prefer North County
Preferred Hours: Daytime
Equipment Needed: Projector, screen and microphone
Notes: Mary has been a Master Gardener since 2014, a docent at San Diego Botanic Garden since 2001 and a docent at Torrey Pines State Reserve since 2012

Heather Holland

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: None

James Huizenga

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Topics: Geographic Area: Within 20 miles of Tecolote Canyon
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: None

Linda Jones

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Topics: Geographic Area: Coastal (Pt. Loma to Carlsbad)
Preferred Hours: Any, prefer before 8 p.m.
Equipment Needed: (PC based)
Notes: Other interests in biology/ecology? Please ask.

Muriel King

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Topics: Geographic Area: Central San Diego, Coronado, El Cajon, South Bay regions and Imperial Beach
Preferred Hours: No evenings; daytime only, Monday - Saturday
Equipment Needed: TV monitor or projector and screen (or plain white wall in place of the screen) for projecting PowerPoint slides
Notes: Will showcase a variety of succulent compositions: Staging, arrangements, living pictures, living wreaths, and bonsai using a jade plant, give some instructions on how to create them and how to make a drain hole. In addition, show an example of a hypertufa container with the recipe to make one.

Susan Lenz, PhD

858 481-9913
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Topics: Geographic Area: North and Central San Diego
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: Screen, projector, and darkened room

Brenda Mannon

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: None

Lisa Marun

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Topics: Geographic Area: Prefer Coastal North County
Preferred Hours: Mornings
Equipment Needed: Screen, projector, remote, microphone
Notes: Topic interests include species and habitat conservation (including potential legal, policy, and scientific aspects); learning and growing through our connections with plants and nature; and the role and impact of plants in dynamic ecosystems. Please contact me if you have any questions or presentation topic requests.

Maria Mata

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Topics: Geographic Area: South and Central San Diego County
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: None

Susan Pacheco

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: Screen, projector, remote, microphone
Notes: With experience in both wine grape growing and wine making, Susan has a wealth of grape know-how. She has her own hobby vineyard and "garage winery" at her suburban home in Carlsbad. Susan's presentation will focus on home gardening of grapes, and wine making for personal use only. Commercial grape growing and winemaking will not be covered. If you don't see the grape topic you seek, please ask.

Shital Parikh

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: None

Sharon Reeve

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: Projector Screen
Notes: These are Power Point presentations

Min Shan

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: Projector and screen
Notes: Mandarin Chinese and English fluency.

Dawn Standke

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any, preferring North and Central San Diego County
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: Screen, projector, darkened room
Notes: Topics: Evidence-Based Horticulture – Myth-busting and fun facts about plants See below for a sample of possible topics, or with enough lead time, request myth-busting for a gardening topic of your choice. General Gardening Topics Should I put gravel in the bottom of a container to improve drainage? Should I put banana peels on my soil? Will a “penny ball” drive away snails and slugs? Can copper nails kill trees? Is compost tea a garden miracle? How do I turn hydrangeas blue? How do I know how much nitrogen is in my fertilizer? Are my bananas slightly radioactive? Which plants can hurt me? Are green potatoes bad for me? What are some facts (not so fun!) about our new invasive mosquito species, the “ankle biter” or yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti. How to grow microgreens. What is sunburn on citrus trees – how can I prevent it? Tomatoes What is blossom end rot? How do I get rid of it? Do eggshells or Epsom salts help? Does embedding a penny in a tomato stem prevent disease? Does adding salt or sugar to the soil make sweeter tomatoes? Should I plant my little tomato plant deeper than it was in the container? Should I prune off all my tomato plant’s “suckers”? What does a sunburned tomato look like? Holiday Plants, History and Fun Facts A light-hearted look at some of our holiday favorites. How to Kill a Tree Best practices for NOT killing your trees. Responsible Pest Management What is Integrated Pest Management (IPM)? What are “Less Toxic” pesticides? Who were the first gardeners? When did humans first use pesticides? What pesticide can damage farmland and affect the health of animals and people? What is the naturalistic fallacy? What are chemicals? Should I avoid them? Should I make natural tobacco tea to keep bugs off my plants? I spray neem oil for every garden problem – that makes me a good organic gardener, right? What does “The dose makes the poison” mean? What kind of insect is so difficult to kill that “an adult female...when sprayed with a solution so caustic that her back was burned black and hard and wrinkled, still retained use of all her organs”? What is biological control? Earth-Friendly Gardens How to self-certify your garden as Earth-Friendly. We will talk about the principles of responsible gardening: • Select Appropriate Plants • Nurture the Soil • Practice Responsible Pest Management • Protect Wildlife • Conserve Water and Protect Water Quality • Conserve Energy and Protect Air Quality • Reduce Waste • Grow Food

Linda Stewart

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: None
Notes: IPM stands for Integrated Pest Management. It is a method of dealing with your garden pests, both large and small, starting with the safest methods to reduce the populations to a tolerable level.

Beth Van Boxtel

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: Projector for laptop hookup or an existing laptop setup to accept my thumb drive. A microphone would be nice. If a projector is not available then I would need a table.
Notes: Certified Consulting Rosarian for the American Rose Society. My presentation can be 30-60 minutes.

Niki Vollrath

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Topics: Geographic Area: Any, prefer North County and Coastal
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: Basic PowerPoint setup: projector, screen, connecting cables from my laptop
Notes: Willing to tailor to your topic on the subject of soils

Lucy Warren

619 295-2489
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Topics: Geographic Area: Any
Preferred Hours: Any
Equipment Needed: Projector and screen