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Alternanthera ficoidea Partytime Joy Weed
Alternanthera tenella Joy Weed
Alyogyne hakeifolia Yellow Australian hibiscus Yellow
Amaranth (chinese spinach) Red Garnet Amaranth (chinese spinach) Red Garnet
Amaranthus caudatus Love Lies Bleeding Red
Amaryllis belladonna Naked Lady, Belladonna Lily Rosy pink
Andromischus cristatus Key Lime Pie succulent
Anemopsis californica Yerba Mansa or Lizard Tail White
Anethum graveolens Dill Yellow
Angelonia angustifolia Blue,purple,pink or white.
Anigozanthos Kangaroo Paw Fuzzy red, purple, green, yel
Anisacanthus quadrifidus (A. wrightii) Mexican Fi Desert Honeysuckle Orange
Anisodontea hypomandarum Cape Mallow Pink to purplish.
Anisodontea hypomandarum Tara's Pink Cape Mallow Pastel pink.

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