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Cucumber Lungo Verde Ortolani Cucumber Lungo Verde Ortolani
Cucumber Marketmore 97 Cucumber Marketmore 97
Cucumber Poinsett Cucumber Poinsett
Cucumber Salad Bush Cucumber Salad Bush
Cucumber Snow's Fancy Pickling Cucumber Snow's Fancy Pickling
Cucumber southern delight Cucumber Southern Delight
Cucumber tortorola abruzzese Cucumber Tortorola Abruzzese
Cucurbita pepo Pumpkin
Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrot Wood
Cuphea llavea Bat-Faced Cuphea
Cussonia spicata 'Truffula Trees' white candle shaped flowers
Cycas revoluta Sago Palm
Cycas revoluta Sago palm
Cyclamen persicum Florist's Cyclamen Red
Cycus revoluta Sago Palm Sago Palm

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Plants are sorted by Genus-Species unless they are a vegetable. Veggies are sorted by common name.