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Chrysanthemum vulgare Daisy White with yelow center
Chysanthemum yellow
Chysocephalum hybrid Moxie Gold Everlastings Yellow Button Flower
Ciccus cactiformis
Cissus rhombifolia Grape Ivy None
Cissus rotundifolia Arabian Wax Ivy
Cistus Sunset Orchid Rockrose Magenta
Citrus sinensis Washington navel orange White
Cleistocactus strauii Silver Torch
Clematis fortis Giant Star
Clianthus puniceus Parrot Beak bright red; pink, white availa
Cliestocactus winterii Golden Rat Tail Cactus
Clivia miniata Kaffir Lily orange
Clivia miniata Yellow Kaffir Lily Soft Yellow
Clytostoma callistegiodes Violet Trumpet Vine violet

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