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Epidendrum spp purple
Epidendrum spp Red
Epidendrum spp pink
Epilobium canum California Fuchsia red orange
Epilobium onagraceae California fuchia orange-red
Epiphyllum Orchid Cactus White to pale yellow
Epiphyllum Orchid cactus
Epiphyllum California Queen Orchid Cactus Orange & Burgandy
Epiphyllum Day Break Magenta
Epiphyllum Day Break Orchid Cactus Magenta
Epiphyllum Farbenwunder Orchid Cactus Magenta
Epiphyllum Hookerii Orchid Cactus White
Epiphyllum Jordaan Orchid Cactus Magenta
Epiphyllum Knebel's Farben Orchid Cactus White
Epiphyllum Padre Pink

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Plants are sorted by Genus-Species unless they are a vegetable. Veggies are sorted by common name.