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Epipremnum aureus Golden Pothos
Epipremnum pictum Pothos Picta Satin insignificant
Epipremnum pinnatum Goldon Pothos Goldiana Insignificant
Eremophila glabra Mingenew Gold Red
Eremophila hygrophana Blue Bells Purple - Blue
Eremophila maculate Emu Bush
Eremophilia Summertime Blue Emu Bush lilac-blue
Eremophilia maculata Valentine Spotted Emu Bush red
Erigeron glaucus Seaside Fleabane White with pink inner
Erigeron karyinskianus 'Profusion' Santa Barbara Daisy White to pink
Eriobotrya deflexa Bronze Loquat White
Eriobotrya japonica Loquat dull white
Eriogonum grande Rebescens Red Buckwheat dark pink
Erysimum erysimum Sugar Rush Varied
Erysimum linifolium Variegatum Wallflower Variegated open buff then turns to mauve

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