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Glechoma hedera Creeping Charlie purple
Gomphocarpus physocarpus 'Family Jewels' white
Gomphrena Balboa Pink to light Purple
Gomphrena Itsy Bitsy Magenta
Gomphrena decumbens Airy Bachelor Buttons Purple
Gossypium harknessii San Marcos Hibiscus Yellow
Grapetoveria Amethyst Plant; Jewel Leaf
Graptopelalum paraguayense Ghost Plant
GRAPTOPETALUM paraguayense oristata Ghost Plant white/yellow
Graptosedum Vira Higgins Yellow
Graptoveria Pink
Graptoveria Fred Ives pale yellow
Graptoveria Opaline Pale Yellow
Graptoveria amethorum

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Plants are sorted by Genus-Species unless they are a vegetable. Veggies are sorted by common name.