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Pepper Shishito Pepper Shishito
Pepper Super Heavyweight Hybrid Pepper Super Heavyweight Hybrid
Pepper Sweet Apple Paprika / Alma Paprika Pepper Sweet Apple Paprika / Alma Paprika
Pepper Sweet Chocolate Pepper Sweet Chocolate
Pepper Thai Chile Pepper Thai Chile
Pepper, hot Serrano Tampiqueno Pepper, hot Serrano Tampiqueno
Pereskia grandifolia Rose Cactus Pink
Pericallis hybrid Lavender Senetti
Perovskia atriplicifolia Russian Sage
Persea indica
Persian Baby Green Fingers Persian Baby Green Fingers
Petunia hybrid
Petunia hybrid Lime Lime Yellow
Petunia hybrid Rose Veined Pink
Philadelphus lewisii Mock Orange White

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Plants are sorted by Genus-Species unless they are a vegetable. Veggies are sorted by common name.