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Philodendron Brasil Heart-Leaf Philodendron
Phlox Intensia Blueberry Purple
Phlox paniculata Garden Phlox Pink-purple to white
Phoenix Canariensis Canary Island Date Palm
Phoenix roebelenii Pygmy Date Palm
Phoenix rupicola Cliff Date Palm
Phormium tenax New Zealand Flax
Phormium tenax Thumbelina New Zealand Flax
Phormium tenax Tom Thumb New Zealand Flax
Phygelius hybrid Red Alert Cape Fuchsia Red, tubular
Physalis Ground Cherry
Physostegia virginiana Obedient Plant pink
Pilea peperomioides Chinese Money (or Friendship) Plant
Pilosocereus Tree Cactus White
Pinus canariensis Canary Island Pine

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