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Rosa Veterans' Honor Red
Rosa White Licorice Lemony white
Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary Light blue
Rubus Rasberry White
Rubus Blackberry White
Rubus Boysenberry white
Rubus fruticosus Apache Thornless blackberry
Rubus idaeus Oregon 10-30 Raspberry White
Rubus subgenus rubus watson”prime-ark freedom Thornless Blackberry
Rubus ursinus x r idaeus Boysenberry
Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan Yellow rays, brown center
Ruellia Alba Mexican petunia White
Ruellia brittoniana Mexican petunia Purple
Rumohra adiantiformis Leather fern
Ruschia pulvinaris Creeping shrubby ice plant Fuchsia-pink

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Plants are sorted by Genus-Species unless they are a vegetable. Veggies are sorted by common name.