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Aloe Pink Blush
Aloe Rooikappie Little Red Riding Hood Aloe Yellow & orange
Aloe Saponaria Soap Aloe Salmon orange or yellow.
Aloe Walmsley's Blue Orange-red orange
Aloe arborescens Tree Aloe Orange
Aloe aristata aloe Red
Aloe barberae bainesii
Aloe brevifolia Short Leaf Aloe Red
Aloe brevifoloa Crocodile plant
Aloe cameronii
Aloe Cynthia Giddy Cynthia Giddy orange red
Aloe hemmingii
Aloe jucunda
Aloe juvenna Tiger Tooth Aloe Red-Orange
Aloe plicatilis Fan Aloe Orange-red

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Plants are sorted by Genus-Species unless they are a vegetable. Veggies are sorted by common name.